Tuesday 31 August 2010

End of the Summer Season

Another summer season done with a good haul of silverware. Ice travelled to 6 tournaments including Bristol and Milton Keynes. It was brilliant to see a big mix of players at all the tournaments a couple times managing to field 2 teams.
Ice also picked up awards at the annual NKA Ball. Neil Wakefield received Best Ref, Paul Beale and Rachel Payne received top goal scorers male and female respectively of the NKA Division 1 and Adam Knights received the most improved Ref award. An excellent end to a brilliant season for Ice.
Ice 1 were runners up in the NKA Div1 and SERL2, Ice 2 won the NKA Div2, Ice 3 won the NKA Div3. So this coming season we have 1 team in SERL1, 2 in NKA Div1 and 1 in NKA Div3. It will prove to be a difficult season for all teams.
Training starts 1st Sept with several new faces in the mix. All are looking forward to what we hope will be another great season for Ice.

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