Friday 3 December 2010

3 Peaks Challenge

At 5pm on Monday the 23rd of August a small team of 6 including 4 from Norwich Ice stood at the bottom of a cold, wet and misty mountain. Ben Nevis in Scotland was to be our starting point for the 3 Peaks – a challenge to climb the tallest peaks of Scotland, England and Wales in under 24 hours.

The heavy rain and thick fog on Ben Nevis, coupled with the fading light made conditions on the first mountain challenging. We completed the round trip in 7 hours and once down we jumped in the mini-bus for the long overnight journey down to England’s highest peak – Scafell Pike, trying to grab as much sleep as possible en-route. We arrived at daybreak and set off immediately, the weather was once again appalling with plenty of rain and hail and thick fog once more at the top. After stopping at the top for a quick photo we made our descent and jumped in the van for the shorter journey to the last mountain. The final peak was Wales’ offering of Mount Snowdon. Dosed up on Lucozade tablets, the team headed up the Pyg track with conditions at the top again not looking favourable. We were met with gale force winds and zero visibility at the peak and after a few quick photos we started the trip down. A (very) short jog toward the end stopped the clock at 27 hours and 38 minutes for a journey taking in 25 miles of walking, 10,000 feet of climbing, 450 miles of driving and one big bag of wet walking gear. In total, the team raised £700 for the East Anglian Air Ambulance and £1,200 for St. David’s Children Society, an adoption agency in Wales. Thank you to everyone that kindly donated. Next up for some of Ice is cycling Lands End to John O’ Groats and walking Hadrian’s Wall in 2011. Talk to Neil if you are interested in getting involved in either.

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Awards to Date (Aug 2010)

League Placings
Division 1
—2006 – 3rd
—2007 – 2nd
—2008 – 2nd
—2009 – 2nd
—2010 – 2nd
Division 2
—2006 – 5th
—2007 – 5th
—2008 – 1st
—2009 – 2nd
—2010 – 1st
Division 3
—2010 – 1st
—2009 – 2nd
Division 2

—2010 – 2nd


Tournament Wins
—18th in a Belgium tournament (still our biggest trophy!)
—Nottingham – won the pool
—Littleport – Most Sporting
—Bristol – Plate winners
—Norfolk Div 2


Individual Titles
NKA Most Valuable Female
2009 – Rachel Payne
NKA Most Improved Female
2008 – Zoe Sprakes
2009 – Hannah Driver
NKA Best Ref
2010 – Neil Wakefield
NKA Top Male Goal Scorer
2008 – Paul Beale
2009 – Paul Beale
2010 – Paul Beale
NKA Top Female Goal Scorer
2010 – Rachel Payne
NKA Most Improved Ref
2010 – Adam Knights

End of the Summer Season

Another summer season done with a good haul of silverware. Ice travelled to 6 tournaments including Bristol and Milton Keynes. It was brilliant to see a big mix of players at all the tournaments a couple times managing to field 2 teams.
Ice also picked up awards at the annual NKA Ball. Neil Wakefield received Best Ref, Paul Beale and Rachel Payne received top goal scorers male and female respectively of the NKA Division 1 and Adam Knights received the most improved Ref award. An excellent end to a brilliant season for Ice.
Ice 1 were runners up in the NKA Div1 and SERL2, Ice 2 won the NKA Div2, Ice 3 won the NKA Div3. So this coming season we have 1 team in SERL1, 2 in NKA Div1 and 1 in NKA Div3. It will prove to be a difficult season for all teams.
Training starts 1st Sept with several new faces in the mix. All are looking forward to what we hope will be another great season for Ice.

Monday 25 January 2010

Wow, after such a wholesome and long blog from our head coach Neil I have obviously been a little overawed and not written anything for the past few months.

Ice have carried on doing well in all of their matches. The SERL squad have played some awesome korf to be top of the SERL Div2, the first team have played well to enjoy top spot over the Xmas period. Ice 2 have tough competition and are in 3 place at the moment with plently of time for a fighting comeback. Ice 3 are also top of their division after some epic searches from Adam to find new players to make legal teams!

A massive thank you goes to the 3 team coaches - Neil, Pauly and Adam for their committment to their teams, the hard work and stress that always comes with being a coach! We're currently looking at new ways of boosting our coaches and training sessions to push the teams even more.

Now that the busy Xmas period is over we'll be getting socials going again and there's a long list of ideas waiting in the sidelines - more ideas welcome!

Summer tournaments have aready started to be organised so dust off your tents and air those sleeping bags as Ice will be heading off around the country to have some fun!

See you at training, Rach