Tuesday 11 August 2009

14th at the Nottingham tournament

Well done to everyone who played at the weekend, 14th out of 25 isn't bad at all.

It was nice to have a full team of girls with thanks to Emily from UEA and our dutch superstar Gabrielle. Thanks to you both you were brilliant.

Everyone put in some solid performances, the atmosphere was fantastic as was the weather. A special thanks goes to Birmingham and Leeds for lending us players for most of the day. However we did return the favour with all the girls and boys playing their fair share of extra games.

The social was great with Ice dressed up as action heroes and Jack as Leo the Lion (very clever). The girls all made fab Lara Croft's and the boys' Indiana Jones effort we decided was a lot more Brokeback Mountain.

Good luck to everyone playing in Sandwich next weekend, I am very jealous and sad that I can't make it!

Jen xxx

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