Monday 29 June 2009

Norwich Ice's guide to fashion

Wear pleated EVERYTHING! And accessorise a floral maxi dress with a crochet hat

High waisted skirts and shoulder pads are all the rage right now

Outfit pictured currently available from Primark

Make your dress out of your nan's curtains or, alternatively, join a convent, I'm pretty sure you get the outfit for free that way!

Meet the parents

Grow a beard for the occasion

Always accessorise with a seahorse bag called Steve

Avoid spillage on new pink skirt and remember it's better to wax your chest the night before you don your favourite dress to avoid redness

Dress a kiwi in an Australian rugby kit. They love it!

Remember extra socks!

Ahoy there sailor ;)

Well done Pauly B for a fab charity shop social and I'm sure all of us are looking forward to the 'revenge' charity shop social you are planning.

Thanks to all those who came to the AGM and the social, I'm sure you will agree it was a great night. News from the AGM coming soon!

Jen x

Thursday 25 June 2009

Our new blog!

Welcome to the all new Norwich Ice Korfball Blog! Here we will be sharing all our shenanigans and news. This will hopefully be a really easy way to keep everyone updated.

As you can see from the links on the left Rach and I have been spreading ourselves around the internet quite shamelessly! Flickr will soon be available for everyone to upload their Ice photos to so bare with me on that one!

I hope you all like the blog!

Jen x